Home Health 12 Tips on How to Manage Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

12 Tips on How to Manage Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic


12 Tips on How to Manage Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Stephanie R. Reck, LMSW, LBT, BCCC

Any type of change can cause stress levels to surge. Dealing with the rapid and ongoing changes of the COVID-19 pandemic can cause stress levels to soar.

We are faced with much uncertainty as this crisis looms over our nation: so many questions and concerns we face daily. If we are not diligent in finding ways to manage our stress, then it won’t be just COVID-19 we are dealing with but a host of other health concerns.

Stress affects every area of your life, physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual.

Listed below are some tips to help you to manage stress during the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Let the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do before bed is pray, read the Word of God, or worship. Spend time in God’s presence as much as you can right now.

2. Get out and get some sunlight. Just 20 minutes of sun can boost your mood and give you creativity.

3. Exercise as a way to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. If you are working from home now, take walks around your block/neighborhood first thing in the morning and during your breaks.

4. Find creative ways to reduce stress, such as painting, coloring, writing, or gardening.

5. Do not check the news first thing when you get up in the morning. Set your tone for your day by spending time with God first.

6. Limit how often you listen and watch the news. Too much negativity coming from news reports can cause stress levels to increase.

7. Watch what you are eating. Limit your intake of sugar, white flour, processed foods, and fried foods. Incorporate fresh vegetables and fruits daily into your diet.

8. Clean and organize your home. Cleaning and organizing are effective ways to reduce anxiety.

9. Focus on what you are thankful for. Write out or speak out daily at least (5) things that you are grateful for.

10. Watch what you are speaking out of your mouth. Choose to talk about life and blessings, not fear and worry.

11. Discipline your mind to think about what is right, lovely, and praiseworthy. Take every thought captive that does not line up with God’s Word. Be especially guarded during this time, not to let your mind ruminate over and over your worries.

12. Find ways to stay connected with social distancing in place, such as video chats, phone calls, or perhaps even meeting someone outdoors for lunch (as long as you follow social distancing protocols).

Implementing these tips can significantly control the amount of stress you may endure during this time. Try one or two of the tips to begin with and add more as you see fit.