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Adjusted Hours Remain in Place at City R-Center Meal Distribution Sites; RCSD Adds Four New Locations – City of Rochester


Adjusted Hours Remain in Place at City R-Center Meal Distribution Sites; RCSD Adds Four New Locations – City of Rochester

City of Rochester

News Release

Adjusted Hours Remain in Place at City R-Center Meal Distribution Sites; RCSD Adds Four New Locations

(Thursday, April 16, 2020) – Adjusted meal distribution hours will remain in place at all nine City R-Center distribution sites to better serve the community. The City’s Department of Recreation and Youth Services (DRYS) will continue to provide grab-and-go meals to school-aged youth every Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. each day. DRYS modified the food distribution hours beginning the week of April 6 to better reflect the hours when youth are accessing the service, as well as to ensure the appropriate scheduling of recreation staff.

Meals are available for youth at the following City R-Centers:

• Adams Street, 85 Adams St.
• Avenue D, 200 Ave. D
• Carter Street, 500 Carter St.
• Tyshaun Cauldwell, 524 Campbell St.
• Frederick Douglass, 990 South Ave.
• Flint Street, 271 Flint St.
• David Gantt, 700 North St.
• Trenton & Pamela Jackson (Clinton-Baden), 485 N. Clinton Ave.
• Thomas Ryan, 530 Webster Ave.

In addition, the Rochester City School District has announced that, starting Monday, April 20, four additional school sites will begin distributing meals. The new locations are:

• Douglass Campus, 940 Fernwood Park
• Mary McCleod Bethune School No. 45, 1445 Clifford Ave.
• Roberto Clemente School No. 8, 1180 St. Paul St.
• Enrico Fermi School No. 17, 158 Orchard St.

The new locations join these eight existing RCSD school sites:

• East Upper & Lower School, 1801 E. Main St.
• Dr. Freddy Thomas Campus, 625 Scio St.
• The Former Jefferson High School, 1 Edgerton Pk.
• James Monroe High School, 164 Alexander St.
• John Williams School No. 5, 555 N. Plymouth Ave.
• Wilson Foundation Academy, 200 Genesee St.
• Abelard Reynolds School No. 42, 3330 Lake Ave.
• Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7, 31 Bryan St.

Meals are distributed at all 12 RCSD school sites from 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The grab-and-go meal distribution system is a partnership between the City of Rochester, Foodlink and the Rochester City School District.

Meal distribution sites help to ensure that school-aged youth continue to receive the same nourishment as they would have during the course of their academic day, and that no children go hungry while school is not in session. Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals are provided.

Since schools closed in mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program has provided a total of 230,194 meals to young people.

The City’s Department of Recreation & Youth Services will continue to analyze usage of each of its nine distribution sites on a weekly basis in order to best meet the needs of our community’s youth.

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