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Youth Prison Prevention Project: Bringing an awareness to the issues plaguing our youth!


Many of our youth suffer from deep seeded issues including poverty, broken families, negative peer pressure, drug addiction, anger, and fear: just to name a few. With a very high rate of unemployment, people with college educations being laid off from their jobs, and an economy barely recovering from one of the worst recessions in history; some of our youth feel hopeless.  Many youth because of hopelessness, turn to the underground economy of drug sales, boosting (shoplifting), prostitution, robbery, and burglary. They have the attitude of ‘BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY’ which leaves them in a very dangerous disposition.  The consequences of their actions are not fully thought out and this winds them up in the prison system, the hospital, or worse yet; the grave yard.

The goal of the Youth Prison Prevention Project is to address the very serious issues that our youth face. We are now in the process of bringing our program to the Rochester NY area. Our workshops and seminars on Positive Attitude Empowerment, Anger Management, Anti-Bullying, Gang Violence Intervention, Positive Peer Pressure, Time Management, and Talent Development has been monumental in the success of our program over the past four years; now it comes to Rochester.

Robert A. Harris Sr. is the Founder/President of the Youth Prison Prevention Project.  The focus is to educate the youth and their parents on the traps of the streets and the traps of the prison system. (Also all parents are welcome to attend any workshop that their children attend.)

The Youth Prison Prevention Project recently started airing a weekly Television Show in Rochester on Time Warner (Channel 15) every Monday at 3:30pm and every Saturday at 4:30pm.


Youth Prison Prevention Conference coming to Rochester

New York on Saturday July 26th, 2014 from 1pm – 4pm at the Asbury First United Methodist , 1040 East Avenue.  Our goal is to have at least 500 youth focused adults attend this meeting to assist us in bringing this program to Rochester.  We encourage Community Leaders, Church Leaders, School Administrators, Politicians, Law Enforcement, Court Officials, Parole officers to attend this event. This is a no-cost event yet we do appreciate donations.

Please call to reserve your space today.
Contact Mr. Harris at 716-563-5515