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13 Best Grilling Tips | Part 2

7. Marinate Your Meat Marinating does more than infuse food with flavor; it also inhibits the formation of potentially carcinogenic HCAs (heterocyclic amines), which form...

Serena Young: Simply Rena

For the past three decades, Serena Young has raised her strong, robust, colorful and anointed voice for the masses to hear. It is nearly...

From the Rough: The Dr. Catana Starks Story

Two words can sum up the life of Dr. Catana Starks-determination and achievement. Now the story of one of her many accomplishments, she’s the...

A Praying Spouse II: When was the LAST TIME you PRAYED...

A Praying Spouse II When was the LAST TIME you PRAYED for your spouse? It’s a peculiar part of our promise to each other, because it...

First Juneteenth Day: The History Behind the First Juneteenth Day

First Juneteenth Day: The History Behind the First Juneteenth Day Black folks both nationally and internationally recently celebrated Juneteenth! It is the official, unofficial commemoration of...

The Completion of an Era… Dr. James L. Cherry. Sr.

 The Completion of an Era... Dr. James L. Cherry. Sr. Retires After 54 Years in Ministry  INTERVIEWER - Greetings Pastor Cherry. I would like to thank you...

13 Best Grilling Tips

1. Gas vs. Charcoal? The age-old debate over which grilling method is “better” involves multiple variables, from flavor to cost to convenience. While no studies...

Nate Anderson Interview

Interviewer - Good evening Nate, how are you? Nate – Good evening I am great. How are you? Interviewer - I am good, and just so...

The Seminole Negro Indians Scouts II

Each September hundreds of Black people from many locations gather in Brackettville, a small town in southwest Texas near the Mexican border, to celebrate...

Mt. Olivet’s Holy Week: A Celebration For the Generations

It is a week that is celebrated by Christians worldwide. In Rochester, New York, it is the week that everyone magically turns into “Early...