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Approximately 83% of all custodial parents are single mothers, while only 17% (1 out of 6) are single fathers. Let’s break these numbers down to get a more clear picture.

Single mothers:
44% are divorced or separated.
36.8% have never been married.
18% are married (and most of them are single mothers who have re-married).

Single fathers:
53.5% are divorced or separated.
24.7% have never been married.

When I read the US Census report, there are certain things I have come to expect… most of which has to do with money, and it’s distribution. But one cannot help but take notice of trends that seem to rise every year.

happymomandchildAfrican Americans and Hispanic Americans make up the majority of single parent households. Together, we have more children out of wedlock than ALL other ethnic groups combined. This includes Christians.
There’s no turning back the hands of time, when it comes to our children. They’re here, they’re our blessings. Single parents, more specifically, single mothers, carry a unique burden in our society. Not only do they contend with the stigma of being a ‘Welfare Queen’, they also have to deal with the unnatural task of being provider, caregiver and educator. Since we’re not living in the 60’s and 70’s where the adage of ‘It takes an entire village, to raise a child’ bore meaning… she now has the daunting task of doing it all. Single mothers of yesteryear seem to understand how important it was, to incorporate certain things in their child’s life. For example, as children, many of us had to go to church. Even if our mothers didn’t. Some of us had the benefit of a community center, where we learned cooperation and teamwork. This truly came into play for kids who had no siblings.

Don’t Give Up!

It breaks my heart, to hear of innocent children being killed or abused in anyway, by parents who have given up on themselves. If we turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, we find examples of single mothers giving up.

Sometimes the weight of caring for a child (or children) is just too great… but even after we’ve stumbled and fallen, God’s Mercy and Grace yet covers us, if we just turn to Him.

Learn to be a blessing to the single parents in your community and church. Not just financially, but with your time. Start a mentorship at your church, so that men and women (single or otherwise), can impart their life-experiences and help them to develop into more sound young men and women.

Socrates Williams