There is a widespread perception that the nation’s largest crime survey finds that violent crime in urban areas continues to rise dramatically. Shooting victims within Rochester is unacceptably high and the Faith Leaders Roundtable, a group of Pastors and ministry leaders has been consistently joining forces with law enforcement, other county and city officials, and organizations to help produce change. Another means to help reach the community that has seen some of the most traumatic incidents in Rochester city history, the Faith Leaders Roundtable Group will be holding a One Day “Heal The City Revival” with special g u e s t, B i s h o p M a r v i n W i n a n s , S e n i o r Pastor of the Perfecting Church in D e t r o i t Michigan. The Faith L e a d e r s Roundtable as well as other m i n i s t r y g r o u p s r e a l i z e s we are just p a s t o r i n g c h u r c h e s b u t p a s t o r i n ga city. The only one that can heal a divide within families, racial lines, political parties, and beyond is Jesus Christ who has the power to transform the human heart.

This Heal the City Revival is a way to get back to the basics of putting God first, who is the only one who can create something that is going to have an impact and transformation for the city, for the state, and for this nation. Amid all this chaos, we believe the grace of God is pushing back the darkness. The Faith Leaders realize the enemy is scared so he creates chaos, but God’s power as manifest in the resurrection of Christ is going to prevail, so we will keep pressing in by faith. The service will be held on March 15, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM at the New Life Church, 330 Wellington Ave in Rochester. God is the good news to all bad news, and we know it is time to unite as Christians to address the plight of America and the city of Rochester because there is a spirit of hopelessness and helplessness. We need to get back to the fundamentals of being our brothers’ keepers and being united as one. This is a grassroots movement. If we don’t work together, we will continue to blow up together.