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How To Be A Positive Influence In The Workplace?


Do you ever feel that you are just a small and insignificant part of your workplace? If you suddenly stopped showing up to work, nobody would notice? If the thought has crossed your mind, you need to remember that, as a Christian, your impact goes further beyond your desk or cubicle. Whether you are the company’s CEO or an intern, you are where you are for a reason.

You always have an impact on the people around you.
You are influencing people around you, whether you realize it or not. Everything you say and do (or don’t do) leaves an impression on them. Your coworkers notice, even when you think no one is paying attention. So, what do you think they are really seeing? When you walk around feeling grumpy and complaining about your job or other people, it creates an air of negativity, and others will see and feel that. But if you come to work with a big smile, help your coworkers, and do your job honestly, people are going to notice that as well. They might not say anything, but they are definitely watching you. And before you start saying that you are only one person and can’t really change your workplace culture, know that you don’t need to be loud to make an impact. The quietest voices can sometimes lead to the biggest changes.

Stay true to what you believe in, even when it gets tough.
Bringing your faith into your job can be hard sometimes. Sometimes, you might feel like you should just go with the flow, especially if it seems like everyone else is doing it. You might even catch some flak for not participating in certain conversations or activities. But even if your coworkers don’t share your beliefs, they will see that you are standing firm in what you believe and will respect that. Do you remember the story of Daniel from the Bible? He stayed true to his faith, even when it landed him in a den of hungry lions. We are not saying your workplace is scary and dangerous, but the idea is the same. If you believe in something, stay true to it, and your influence will have a bigger impact than any words could.

Real positivity comes from within.
Being a positive influence at work does not require you to be a pushover or act like everything is perfect all the time. What it does require you to do is to bring hope, peace, and honesty to your job. Sometimes, that means having hard conversations or holding people accountable. Other times, it just means listening to a coworker who needs to vent or staying calm when things don’t go the way planned.

Your legacy is built by how you live each moment.

When it comes down to it, your job title will not matter nearly as much as how people remember you. Do you want to be remembered as the coworker who always complained or who always positively encouraged others? All of this is to say that you should always remember the impact you are making on your workplace. Be that person whose positivity is so contagious that others cannot help but notice. And when they ask where your happiness comes from, you can tell them it is because of your faith in Jesus.