Home Uncategorized International Junior Olympic Gold Medalist, Zhane Crockett Submitted by Karen M. Cornwell

International Junior Olympic Gold Medalist, Zhane Crockett Submitted by Karen M. Cornwell


One of the features we enjoy bringing to our readers are our youth spotlight. Our interest is not just how they perform in the classroom but in life – academics, spirituality, and community service. I found myself looking for stories in a multitude of places. A few months ago I ran across a young female boxer that gained international attention.

Currently, Zhane Crockett is a 15 year old sophomore at Scott High School in Toledo, Ohio. She is a traditional honor roll student(4.5 GPA) that participates in the wrestling and track teams. Earlier this year, she was crowned International Junior Olympics World Champion and named AIBA Junior male Boxer of the year.
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