And NO, I Am NOT Talking About A Curse

I grew up hearing Christian music in my home. On Saturdays I would hear my mother singing along to gospel mass choirs while cooking Sunday dinners.

On Sundays, we had church, all day long church !  Our family worshiped at The Church of God By Faith where my mom sang and directed the church mass choir. At the first service at TFH 792campus where Davin sang he cried and I asked him what he was feeling he said ” Mom! I saw this pregnant lady worshipping and I felt sooo good” Both of my parents were known for their beautiful voices as were my Grandparents. The God given gift of song was in their blood, this was my norm.

And  yes!, there were times when I also longed to hear what we weren’t hearing in our home ..the forbidden R&B. I would steal away and listen “very quietly” to artists like Whitney Houston, Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin and at a very young age was convinced in my bedroom with hairbrush in hand that I belonged with them doing THAT kind of music. While growing up, I was requested to sing at functions quite often. Even when people didn’t know my name, they would say ‘There’s that girl who can sing”.

Belting out songs in various ranges, at various venues became the comfortable place of impact for me and my career. So I left Rochester, to spread my wings. I wrote and sang in the secular circuit,  I traveled far and fast, and now I thank God for directing me back home. I have learned, and am still learning a lot through my musical journey. One very important thing that has come to my understanding, is the POWER OF INFLUENCE and thus I have found my own, and to whom I should weld it.

To God Be The Glory !

I am a single Mother of three children, my oldest son Dallas (17 ) has a singing voice, but for now he prefers basketball.  My Daughter Hope is my youngest child (6) has a lovely voice as well and is still exploring. It happens to be my middle child, my 10 year old Son Davin, that has a beautiful voice but an equal amount of shyness to match. I made a decision early on not to influence my children’s decision to pursue music anymore than my parents had indirectly influenced my own. Sometimes I was hard pressed, because we sound good together. Well, I guess I should say it is absolute music to my ears, when all at once, all together, just cause…we just break out in fun with a song. But recently, I felt as if I was being instructed by GOD to do otherwise. In the quite places of prayer, where I need to be to hear God, I was told to educate Davin, on what I had come to know about the good, the bad ,the weight, the favor, the hobby , and the purpose of a gift such as ours, and THEN to let him decide. I did not have to wait long…

Recently, upon sharing a simple recording from my phone of him singing at home he was offered an invitation to sing solo during four services at

The Father’s House in front of thousands of people. Yes, again it was God!, along with balanced information (influence) but without pressure he accepted the invitation.

I was surprised and so very proud ! my extremely shy son was prompted to step outside of his comfort zone.

At 6:00 PM on Saturday January 3, 2014  One week later, after one on-stage rehearsal, Davin introduced his gift at the smaller downtown campus. Bright and early the following morning, when Davin first stepped out on that big stage, in front of all those people,  I was watching his face, I looked for his fear (as I had at his age), but what  I recognized was his faith as he opened his mouth and touched hearts, and he was also touched. I saw through the tears that fell down his cheek during his first performance, he stood taller and sang stronger. I could sense that he had accepted the invitation literally and spiritually. My son has his own road to travel in front of him but Lord willing I will always be on the sidelines to council and cheer him on!  It was at this moment I saw the miracle in the gift that has been passed down, from My Grandparents to my Parents, onward to me and now through me.  And I Know….


Rene Anderson