Home Family Liberia Missionary – Bishop J. Allan Klayee

Liberia Missionary – Bishop J. Allan Klayee


Earlier this year a sta member of Upstate NY Gospel magazine sat in the audience of Bethel Chris an Fellowship Church (Rochester. NY) listening to a missionary from Liberia, Africa. The message delivered by Bishop John Allan Klayee was both thought-provoking and inspira onal. We felt lead to speak with this man of God who serves many roles including bishop, pastor and missionary. Upstate NY Gospel Magazine was able to have a brief dialogue with Bishop J. Allan Klayee between his international missionary trips.

Tell our readers about your background. How did you know you were called into the ministry? ou are in ministry with your wife please tell us about her and your family?

I am Bishop . Allan Klayee. In a family of 12, I am the 4th child. I got saved in 1987 at a crusade which was held at a stadium in Margibi County’s Unification town. I then started out as an Usher in the Bethel World Outreach Ministries. A er 2 years, God started to transi on me as I later became a member of the Worship team and a year later, was promoted to the posi on of Music/Worship Pastor.

Then came 1990 when the Liberian Civil War dislodged and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Many ed to the bushes for safety as the rebels captured ni ca on City which was subsequently retaken by government forces.

For fear of reprisal, the government forces arrested every men thereabout and imprisoned us; for 14 months I was a prisoner, during which real ministry kicked o . I was used by God to minister to my fellow prisoners and became their Pastor.

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