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Nate Anderson Interview


Interviewer – Good evening Nate, how are you?

Nate – Good evening I am great. How are you?

Interviewer – I am good, and just so pleased to be here finding out more about you. Just so you know, earlier I spoke to a few of your admirers, and asked if they would offer a comment about you… One shared, that you seem to just walk around with the light of the Lord coming through you and from you. The other, felt that people are drawn to you because you are such a gentleman and always approachable. Lastly, I was told that you are a really funny guy that automatically makes people smile.

It seems, that it would be safe to say that Good News is associated with Nate Anderson!    

Nate – Oh, Wow! (laughs) well that’s a blessing.

Interviewer – Many in Rochester, have seen your face, heard you sing, and know your charismatic style, but still may not know exactly who Nate Anderson is. Will you give us your story?

Nate – Well, Nate Anderson is a young man that loves music. I love singing I love speaking to people and just being someone that brings joy to people. I have always had a love for singing. My parents used to sing often and I would see how people would respond to them in church and at family gatherings. It always brought joy, I would see people smile and I knew, at a young age that I just wanted to make people happy

“First thing in the morning, I get my direction from the Lord…He places my steps”

Interviewer – That’s very interesting, your thoughts from back then fall right in line with the current inspirational song, “Be Happy”. So with that in mind Nate, I am going to ask what’s your inspiration, what makes you happy?

Nate – Well, first of all, it is God, because without Him I would be nothing. It is from Him that I have the gift. Then, of course the love of my family. My parents, raised me in church and I was taught that love was the most important thing. So, in singing it makes me happy to put love in it. I try to sing with all my heart. I try to put all I have, into all I do, because I know when I am singing there is a possibility for a life to be changed. I used to just want to sing so that I can be rich, get fancy cars, have big houses and stuff like that. But as I have grown, matured and have come through some of life’s experiences, I realize there is more, than for me to just get rich and be a star. It’s more beneficial to me to be a servant, to be a vessel used to bless somebody or make somebody’s day better and help people feel that I want to relate to them.

Interviewer – Nicely put.  Now tell us, what artist(s) have you been influenced by?

Nate – Well, I would say top of the list for me as far as female artist, I would say Aretha Franklin. I say that because she has such an amazing God given gift. Shewas always so powerful, like there was nobody that could hear her voice, and not be touched. It touched me to a point where it inspired me to always be better, sing from my heart so that it’s not just a beautiful sound but something that is also impactful.

Interviewer – And as far as a male influence

Nate –Oh, I would say Sam Cook because he had such a unique way of bringing his message, his style of voice, the way he carried himself, the way he dressed, his way of presenting his charisma, it’s an image that I always thought, worthy of looking up to.

Interviewer – Okay, many would agree with and understand why both of these unforgettable artist have inspired you. They were able to touch and inspire people all over the world. Nate have you been requested to share your gift of song outside of Rochester?

Nate – Oh yes, I have performed in New York City, Philly, Atlanta, Ohio, California, Arizona, Nashville. Basically, when I get there, Anywhere, I am going to sing (laughs). I say, Everywhere because it’s in me. (laughs) It’s in my heart!

Interviewer –While you are out and about during your travels, were you able to run into other vocalists that you were able to spend time with or speak to?

Nate – Oh My Goodness! Yes. I have run into a lot of very successful people, not only artists but executives and producers in the music industry. I personally have had a chance to meet quite a few. Okay let me start, Mariah Carey, Jermaine Dupri, Genuine, Brooke Hogan, (Hulk Hogan’s daughter) Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, KCI and JoJo. I have had the opportunity to meet and opened up at concerts, for K. Michelle, Kalvin Richardson, Melanie Fiona, Fantasia, Tank, and OTown.

Interviewer – That is a pretty long list. Of those people, who impressed you the most?

Nate – I say Mariah Carey. The reason I say that, is not because of what she did at the meeting but because of her career. She is the most successful person I have ever met. Just to see her in the flesh, was somethnate2ing, she touched my face and told me I was a cute. (laughs) That was huge!

Interviewer – Thank you for sharing that.  Now I would like you to tell us, what makes you unique from all the other talented male vocalist here in Rochester? What makes you stand out?

Nate – Well, the best thing I can say to that,is everybody has his own purpose and destiny. I can say, God made me. He did me His way. So, I am standing out on faith. But then I take full responsibility for my effort to really put my heart out there when I sing. I really do take time and give extra effort to look well, to present myself as right-standing. I try to be genuine whenever I meet anybody, I try to receive people with love and respect, I don’t try to act above or conceited or puffed up because I know we all are the same. I am blessed with a gift that I appreciate and I like to make myself personable to other people. I don’t just sing one style of music. I want people to feel comfortable knowing that I give my all whether I am singing Gospel or R&B. Gospel is very close to me because, for me that’s where it started. It’s a part of me and will always be. R&B and soul is big in my life as well, because that’s where I have come through and through it, I can express relationships and situations that affect us emotionally. Anytime I sing, I am given a chance to connect with other people stories. When I sing R&B, it can feel like Gospel, because it also carries deep rooted feelings and emotions and that’s what brings connections to the audience

Interviewer – You have been performing for over 25 years, have you ever pursued going professional?

Nate – Oh yes, I have! At the age of 15, I had a chance to go out of town and sing for record executives but things didn’t pay it out. Up till now, professionally there have been many closed doors but I am not a quitter. I am not discouraged. I have a goal that I am trying to reach and so I don’t let those closed doors stop me because I do believe that there is more in my future.

Interviewer – Okay share, what will more look like, what has to happen for Nate Anderson?

Nate – I believe, that it is purely a matter of people and resources.  I have a need to connect with like-minded people that first of all know and understand what my purpose is. To offer me a record label and just sign me solely on my talent, is not all that I am looking for. I am looking to be signed with people who know me from the core. I am an individual who has goals and dreams for myself. I think, to have in my circle like-minded people that believe in my vision, who have resources (meaning money) and equipment to produce, to record, to mix and match, with networking ability, to be able to work independently as well as with others that agree.

Interviewer – Speaking of working with others, you and your sister are known to grace the stage together quite often. How does that fit into your thoughts of like-mindedness?

Nate – (Ha!) It fits just fine… Oh my goodness, yes, it is truly a blessing to be able to do what I love to do with my sister, Renee Anderson. Together, we write, we arrange, we record, and we sing.  Shoot!…When we perform live, it’s like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Interviewer – Okay, so you are nnate3ot just a vocalist. Will you share with us the title of something that you have written? And tell us when or for what occasion might we have the opportunity to hear it in the community?

Nate – Oh yes, I write mostly all my songs, I also arrange, I love to do it. It gives me joy. One song, which I am particularly proud of is titled “The One”. It’s a love song. I put my heart into it, and I would say it is a wedding song.

Interviewer – And was it inspired by someone you love?

Nate – (laugh out loud) Yes

Interviewer – Alright, enough said, on that note. Nate, if someone is interested, and would like for you to share your gift of song at a community function, a church anniversary or a family re-union, what would be the best way for them to connect with you?

Nate – I am available through email, at nate.a7119@yahoo.com, then I also have a Facebook page where I am listed there as Nate Anderson, I also have a YouTube page nateanderson2008.

Interviewer – I end this interview, by thanking you for sharing, and letting you know that I will keep my ear to the ground for news of your next performance.

Nate –For me, I this has been a great opportunity, and I thank you!

By Cookie Waller