Home Entertainment Nick Costello: “Making Champions For God”

Nick Costello: “Making Champions For God”


Upstate New York Gospel magazine had the opportunity to speak with a former rock star that has decided the only Rock he needs is Christ. Nick Costello has experienced the glamorous rock star life millions of teens only dream about. Success didn’t fulfill his search for inner peace, security and purpose in life. His bad attitude and fast lane lifestyle of sex, drugs, rock and roll nearly destroyed him. One night, Nick surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. God miraculously redeemed and transformed his life. Today, he ministers as an evangelist, youth communicator, school assembly speaker, seminar/ conference speaker. He’s calling Christians of all ages to an uncompromising walk of obedience to Christ. In public schools, he’s equipping kids to make healthy, right life choices. Respected leaders say he’s a “dynamic, relevant, passionate, challenging, inspiring communicator!”

UG: What is Evangelism?

Nick Costello: Evangelism is bringing the Good News that even after sin, mankind can be reconciled to God and have a personal, forever love relationship with Him through Christ. But, they must choose to believe in Jesus as the only cure for their terminal disease of sin and accept God’s way to be rescued from an eternity in hell. Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved!

It’s all about having a relationship, not about joining a denomination, church or organization. God longs for a relationship with his creation, but it’s a relationship you choose or reject. Evangelism also a process.. People are often exposed to the Gospel 5-8 times before making a decision for Christ. Everyone you meet is somewhere in the process. God uses believers to move them along in the process towards making their decision.

UNGM: How did this become your chosen path?

Nick Costello: I attained my childhood dream of becoming a rock star with a Canadian rock band named “Toronto”. We performed before as many as 40,000 fans in major concert halls in North America. But something was still missing in my life. I looked for love, answers to my questions and something to fill a hole in my heart in all the wrong places. I trashed my life in the fast lane world of sex, drugs and rock and roll. My life spiraled downhill. I lost everything. On a crash course with death I attended a Billy Graham Crusade in 1988 in Rochester and surrendered complete control of my life to Christ. God miraculously redeemed and transformed my heart and life.  I was instantly delivered from a 20 year habitual dependency on drugs and alcohol.

While attending Bethel Christian Fellowship, I was introduced to some great, young leaders and became close friends with Pastor Pat Medeiros from Greece Assembly of God. My associations at those churches helped me understand my new life in Christ, were instrumental in my discipleship and eventual leading into ministry. I was encouraged to share my personal testimony and conduct rock music seminars. I had never spoke publicly before, but I stepped out in faith – nervous, very green and not very knowledgeable of the Bible. I had a personal Jesus story to tell. Along the way respected men of God began telling me I was an evangelist. I didn’t understand exactly what that meant and didn’t want a title or ministry at the time. God slowly worked in my heart and one day I decided to accept the call. I prayed, “Lord, if you called me to be an evangelist you have to tell me what that means.” I soon founded what is now Nick Costello Evangelistic Ministries.

“Salvation is found in no one else. There is other name given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

God has opened doors for me as I have shared my testimony on the 700 Club, 100 Huntley Street, numerous churches and outreach events. I received training from the Billy Graham Evangelistic association and served for 5 years as one of their disaster relief chaplains. I am amazed how God took one messed up, sin-filled guy and is using him to advance his Kingdom. Honestly, I am not sure how it all happened. If God can use me, I know God can certainly use anyone who yields and submits their life to him.

UNGM: You inspire believers to share their faith in practical ways. Share with us exactly how they might do this.

Nick Costello: I truly believe all leaders in ministry need to inspire and encourage the church to do their part in seeing the Kingdom of God advanced on the earth, with the priority being to save lost souls. This is tough to hear, but I have come to believe it is not the priority of many of us who call ourselves Christians. We fall short in sharing our faith. Believers know they’re commanded to share their faith and disciple new converts, but so many don’t know how so they don’t. Therefore, I have taken all my personal experiences and training I’ve received the last 20 years and developed evangelism training that is encouraging, practical, easy to understand, and it works. A listener will be fully armed with everything they need to know to share their faith and rescue lost souls. I remind everyone, I believe the training is excellent, but until you first see the lost through the eyes of Jesus and have his passion and burden to reach them, you fall short in your efforts.

One of the most practical ways to share Christ is simply to love people the way Jesus does and reach out to meet heart-felt needs. Then ask the Lord to give you the opportunity to tell them about Jesus and the words to say. It’s ‘show’ and ‘tell’. Ultimately, you must do the ‘tell’ part. Franklin Graham has said, “No one cares about how much you know until they know how much you care.” Another way is simply tell your personal Jesus story. Everyone has a testimony that some will identify with. It’s the most powerful evangelistic tool a believer has.

“For I, the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Matthew 1:21 declares, “He will save his people from their sins.”

UNGM: What helps reveal the presence of God to unbelievers?

Nick Costello: That’s simple. Reflecting the character of Christ to everyone you come into contact with. That will naturally happen as you yield and submit your whole heart and life to Christ, allowing him to transform you into a little Jesus. But, in doing so, that little Jesus will walk the earth manifesting the same mighty power that God exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead. They will become a huge channel for God to flow through so his work will be done on earth. Doing what Jesus did will come naturally.

UNGM: What is, and how does your “one hour” challenge support Evangelism?

Nick Costello: This is Evangelism 101. I actually learned this from Evangelist Peter Youngren. In less than 10 minutes per day or roughly 60 minutes per week, anyone can do Gospel work. How? Pray every day for one lost person you know. You can make a phone call, write a letter or email to someone, hand out tracts, give someone a Bible or good Christian entertainment focusing on Jesus. You can serve someone, visit the sick or imprisoned, take a lost friend to a Christian event or share your Jesus story with someone struggling.

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” (Mark 16:15) Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses and will tell people about me everywhere.” (Acts 1:8) God gave me a ministry which includes training and equipping the church for the work of evangelism.

UNGM: I understand, that you have a unique way of introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost kids, how might our readers learn your secret?

Nick Costello: My unique way is using the platform God has given me. I went from rock star, to rock bottom to The Rock Jesus Christ. Every teen identifies with music. That’s my drawing card to get them into Jesus. It works for adults, too. There’s no secret. I pray and simply step out in faith trusting God to use me just like any other believer can.  But, whenever I minister, it is all about Jesus. My heart’s desire is that when I am done they will want to know Jesus.

UNGM: How, when and where might our readers learn more about your efforts to Make Champions for God?

Nick Costello: They can view much of what I offer, read my testimony, contact me and much more on my web site www.nickcostello.org. They can also follow me on Twitter and Nick Costello Evangelistic Ministries on Facebook.