Home Family Printed Pulpit – Faith Lives Matter

Printed Pulpit – Faith Lives Matter


There is an important principle communicated by way of Habbakuk 2:4- the righteous person lives by faith. This statement has great signi cance when blanketed in the context of a world where it seems as though life doesn’t ma er. Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland- the names go on and on. he frustra on of what seems like the status quo has bubbled over into what I believe is some anarchis c philosophy and movement.

Rather than it being a me where people come together and unite, more lines are drawn in the sand to discriminate, isolate and marginalize. A por on of those empathe c and sorrowful in the African-American community bonded to form the Black ivesMa er movement. heir response, in some places and in my opinion, has been passionate but amiss in logic, reason and considera on hijacking the pla orms of poli cal candidates and causing a human roadblock in the middle of a busy highway during rush hour. In their e orts to garner support, some of the demonstra ons have caused whole popula ons to tune them out. Meanwhile, those who aren’t as touched by the feeling of the African- American in rmity of cultural prejudice and racism seek to minimize the plight and generalize the painful experience, standing for the idea that all lives ma er.

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