Home Health Summer Bodies Are Made In The Winter!

Summer Bodies Are Made In The Winter!


We can all agree on one thing collectively, and that is 2020 has thrown us a lot of obstacles and took some of us through some trying times. As we transition into the winter months and start to relax and be indoors more, we need to make sure we don’t let all our hard work that has been done go to waste. Let’s not use holidays and COVID-19 as distractions to keep us from staying focused on our health and self-care as you would typically do.

What was that? How? That’s what I’m here to inform you that summer bodies are made in the winter, not the spring or summer; by then, it too late. Coach Pinky wants you to come and join her on this “PnK Fitness 4.21 Winter” journey. This way, you stay ready, so you won’t have to get ready when the time comes.

You can do so many things and use what you have right at your fingertips for at-home workouts. We can make 1000 excuses over the next few months, but I’m going to show you how to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones.

Come on, let’s find that motivation to keep you healthy and fit. Let go of that low energy ahead of time so we can prevent them from rising to the point that it’s challenging to come down from. Get up, come on, and take this walk with me real quick.

  1. Use your laundry detergent or milk jug as a kettlebell
  2. Use a folding chair (sturdy and stable) as a bench for triceps dips
  3. Use a backpack as a weighted vest
  4. Use your couch or cushion as a Bosu ball
  5. Use water bottles, soup cans, or books for weights
  6. Use basketball as your medicine ball
  7. Use your broom for mobility work
  8. Climb stairs for cardio
  9. Jumping Jacks
  10. Extreme Power Hoops w/Luxury Fitness Hoops (perihulahoopqueen.com)
  11. High Knees
  12. Jump Rope (if ceiling allows, otherwise air jump)
  13. Mountain Climbers
  14. Burpees
  15. Grab paper plates for sliders
  16. Get out that good skillet use for upper body strength
  17. Even the laundry basket for deadlifts
  18. Use your bed for balance practice
  19. Toilet seat is great for squats
  20. Plank it up

They call it the “Winter Blues,” but I’m not trying to hear all that. Along with many other Fitness Instructors, Coaches, and Personal Trainers can help ensure that you stay healthy, fit, and safe during this time. This is also a great time to see where you fall short and what you can do to increase and boost during this time of year. The unpleasant weather makes it hard to find motivation and difficult to make it to the gym or outdoors. Therefore, this causes all the extra time spent inside to snack more than you typically would. Be mindful of your eating habits and exercise routines.

Not all is lost though, there are plenty of at-home cardio exercises that don’t require equipment, and you still can get your heart-rate pumping. It’s also good to have a Plan-B workout plan from time to time. Mixing things up with your movement patterns will strengthen muscles you don’t usually use. You’ll be surprised that this boost may offer better cardio than at the gym or being outdoors.

These workouts can be high or low impact. Perform each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds with 15-second rests. Do approximately five sets; remember we’re trying to keep that heart rate up. The hard part of this all is holding yourself accountable and making it stick. (For some, it will be new habits and others that are already on the mission.) Find what works for you, and done consistently enough can turn it into a routine.

  • Good sleep
  • Write down your workout routine
  • Create a reminder on your calendar, Alexa, Siri, etc.
  • Be flexible
  • Set timeframes
  • Build-in recovery days
  • Look at what could be holding you back
  • Stick to breaking old bad habits one at a time
  • Don’t forget to Pivot when needed
  • Deal with difficulties
  • Rid distractions
  • Reward yourself
  • Know your WHY!
  • Keep TRYING!
  • Always have FUN!

Perfection is a terrible motivator, and that’s why you want to establish good habits—like quitting smoking, eating better, or losing weight. You will end up right back where you started. Please keep in mind that this is not a race and will take time to establish your habits, and of course, it will all require small steps that will add up to BIG changes. Stay true to yourself and be proud of your quick wins, and when you miss the mark of a new workout habit, it’s okay, and there’s always tomorrow.

By Shanden Jackson, Certified Fitness Instructor

If you’re looking for some great workouts, follow me:

Facebook group page: PnK Fitness 4.21

Instagram: pnk_fitness_421

Tik Tok: Pinkypinkdiva421 for weekly morning workouts. Can’t make it, that’s okay; you can always hit replay and follow along.

Email: PnKfitness421@gmail.com

“If it doesn’t challenge YOU, it won’t change YOU!”

Coach Pinky!