Home Entertainment TAKING TIME TO ENJOY LIFE By Lisa Harris, MD



Life is short, and time seems to fly by faster than ever. When did you last take time off to breathe and be? Have you been too busy to take a vacation? Are work or family obligations too pressing to allow time for yourself? Being in a constant “go” state produces stress hormones that can damage your body. Increases in Adrenaline and Cortisol, in addition to other hormones, can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, cause an increased sense of anxiety, and impact your sleep, cognitive function, and overall wellness. If God rested on the 7th day and Jesus took time to “depart into a mountain to pray, what makes you exempt from the need to rest?

Here are just a few ideas to help you enjoy life:

  • Self-care. You have one body, life, and opportunity to live to your fullest potential. Take time to refresh, rejuvenate, and heal. That can be through meditation, massage, yoga, a new hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, taking a new class, exercise, or sleep.
  • Travel: plan and take a vacation. Try a new destination or type of travel: train, cruise, or houseboat. Try a staycation. Explore local parks, museums, historic sites, and tours. Treat yourself to a night or longer at a luxurious hotel or resort. Cash strapped? Create your luxury at home with candles, flowers, soft bedding, and pillows.
  • Enjoy your surroundings: Have you ever noticed the beauty of your neighborhood? Take a walk and notice your surroundings. Look for the beauty that is hidden around you.
  • Are you a foodie? Try a different restaurant or take a cooking class. Try a different recipe at home. Be creative!
  • Connect with family and friends: send a note, a text, an email, or a call. Plan a time to get together. It could just be for coffee or a quick bite. You never know if this is the last time you will see that person. Appreciate them while you have the time.
  • Meditate and worship. The right relationship brings order to the rest of our lives. God is sovereign. Everything else falls into place when we place Him first and reconnect with Him through prayer and meditation. Take the time for a daily devotion.
  • Disconnect. Turn off the TV, your cell phone, your computer. Read a book, take a nap, or do nothing and allow your mind to rest. We were not designed to do anything but work. God has given us a beautiful world, friends and family. Take time to enjoy the bounty He has provided.