The 47th annual Gospel Music Workshop of America (GMWA) convention, “Where Everybody is Somebody”, was held in Atlanta this year with the highest attendee turnout in 5 years of almost 9,000 people.

The Convention starts with the Communion & Consecration service on Sunday morning.  Every morning there is a daily bread service, which features some the top speakers in the country. Classes and workshops are held throughout the day followed by nightly musicals consisting of choirs, groups or individual artist from across the country, and many parts of the world.

The convention continues with New Artist Showcase, Mass Choir Rehearsal, Men of Promise & Woman of Worship Concert, the youth and young adult concert and much, much more which leads to the GMWA motto: “The Convention That Never Sleeps”

On Saturday night the host city Atlanta, the Atlanta chapter guild of the GMWA, kicks-off the convention with a “Come As Your Are” musical concert. Several hundred attendees enjoyed this concert. Artist appearing on stage were special guest James Jackson & Atlanta Praise, Atlanta Chapter Mass Choir, and a many other artist.

During the Sunday morning Communion & Consecration service there is the grand march.  The general body of the GMWA observes as all the different auxiliaries (and officers) of the GMWA march down the wedding aisle as the bridegroom waiting for the bride. The Chair of the GMWA Convention Bishop Albert Jamison, gives the state of the GMWA address, with the week’s schedule, words of encouragement and the important “The Offering”. Bishop Jamison leaves no stone unturned, bills must be paid, and he doesn’t want leave the convention owing the host city any money.

The Convention is now in full swing. The nightly musicals are the highlight of the evening. This year, the average attendance to each nightly service was over 4,000 people. Each night over 20 choirs, which included groups or individuals, sang praise unto our God while representing their home state or country.

Tuesday afternoon, The National Gospel Announcer Guild presented a musical tribute to Al “The Bishop” Hobbs in the Hyatt Regency. In attendance were many noted individual industry personalities, who stopped by to sing or speak word of praise and support for Al Hobbs.  Later that day was the New Artist Showcase, an awesome praise filled event. The convention has classes and rehearsals throughout the day for all aspects of ministry. The early evening brings the nightly services and for those who want to fulfill our “convention that never sleeps” motto there is late night service. In between all of this was the midnight madness sale with clothing for both sexes, shoes, clergy clothing, jewelry, women’s hats and scarves, sheet music, CD’s, you could even get edge up.

Wednesday was filled with praise and excitement. That night was a special night in the Hyatt Regency Ballroom. “The Rose Collection” was premiered, hosting the event Tim Arrington and speaking on her collection Dorinda Clark Cole, the “DCC” fashion collection, the fashionable clothing worn by statuesque models and the divas of gospel music.  They would perform later that same night on stage as the GMWA presents “Diva’s Concert”.  It was a fantastic night of fashion and song to an audience of over a thousand people.

By Thursday, people were getting tired, they heard a lot singing, and they danced at the nightly services, and attended late night musicals. The Convention is starting to wind down, then sadly around 1pm, the news spread that the Chair of The Gospel Announcers Guild, Al “The Bishop” Hobbs had succumb to a long sustained illness. He was a major contributor to our ministry.  Our hearts were very heavy. Words cannot express to sadness that overcame the convention.

Rev. James Cleveland developed and built the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. where the perpetuation and promotion of gospel music has been and remains a primary purpose of the organization.
In March of 1967, called together friends from across the US in an effort to brainstorm his idea of producing a venue for gospel music presentations. The selection of people he called 10501933_10203614556397608_2904711739969334947_ntogether was chosen due to individual contributions in gospel music. This association formed the Gospel Music Workshop of America with a national convention motto of “Where Everybody is Somebody.”
Rev. Cleveland stated, “There are young folk that have talent but have no where to get instructions as to how to put that talent to work. And so I thought how could we help upgrade the music in the church and bring sometime of education to the youth since there is no formal education in schools where they can get the training… so I had the bright idea to get all the best exponents of gospel from all over the world together, asked them what they thought about the idea of coming together forming a workshop to try to teach the young folk whatever they wanted to know about gospel.”
The Gospel Music Workshop of America is a Christian organization convening annually, where national performers, recording artists, new and inspiring songwriters, educators, liturgical dancers, the young and old, pastors, and others minister to each other and to the needs and directions within the African American religious experience. It has opened its doors to welcome and receive people of different colors, influences and cultures.
The object of the association was to perpetuate, promote and advance the Christian ideal through the medium of music by joining together gospel choirs, choruses, singers songwriters throughout the US in a voluntary association for education, cooperation, promotion and the communication of ideas and ideals. The Gospel Music Workshop of America was incorporated in Detroit, Michigan.
Learn about the GMWA www.gmwanational.net

Friday came, the session was almost over, however; they would brought best of gospel music. In the 60’s, the secular world had the “Rat Pack” – they were icons in the music & film industry. Tonight GMWA had their version in concert “The Brat Pack” in a room with almost 2,000 people until midnight. Awesome! Just awesome.

The 2015 Gospel Music Workshop of America convention will be in the host city of New Orleans, the “Who Dat” country… SEE YOU THERE!

Daulton Anderson (PD) On-Air Announcer

Pacifica Radio WBAI 99.5fm NY “High Praise” Sun 6am-8am (EST)

Harlem Radio WHCR 90.3fm NY “Morning Praise” Sun 8am-11am (EST)