Your anniversary is around the corner… . ike so many mes before, you go to your favorite drugstore and browse through their selec on. ou take your me skimming and reading, wai ng for the one card that strikes a chord or catches your eye. Or, it’s your brother’s birthday, and you walk in and grab the rst one you believe will make him laugh.

It’s Saturday a ernoon, and you nd yourself at the mall. ooking through sec ons of clothes that suit your style. ou’re not all that concerned with how long you take, just as long as what you nd looks and feels right on you.

You’re ready to buy a car. Like many, you spend me researching the di erent makes and models, and ones that t your budget. When you’re ready, you know exactly what you want but a er a hard-sell, you leave with something di erent, and it costs a li le more than expected.

Dating has come down to a li le bit of all the above. It’s almost like we believe that if we put all the uali es we want in a hat, our perfect mate will pop out instead of a rabbit. Perhaps Online Da ng started out as a means for the Shy, the Frustrated and the Curious to nd love but it has evolved to nothing short of an Internet Sex Exchange.

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