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The Power Of The Presidency – “THE CLARION CALL TO VOTE”


There is a temptation to demonstrate apathy during the 2024 Presidential Election. Voters of all demographics within the country have found reasons to justify why they should stay home on Election Day. This temptation of apathy exists within Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and third-party voters. The electorate identifies many inconsequential reasons to justify why not to vote. Trump is too radical, Harris is a woman, and some find alignment with world issues and world struggles, which they feel are not receiving proper attention. The solution to some is to stay home and not vote. However, I contend that not voting compounds the many issues we face in our nation and world. Every non-vote silences the voice of people who can produce change and become a voice of direction to our nation that is often misguided and driven by cultural inconsistencies over the principles of our founding fathers.

There is a great risk in not voting. The 2024 election cycle finds us at an intersection of community and chaos. The reality is we can find something that we don’t like about any candidate. However, the Presidential Election 2024 will be our most impactful election since President Woodrow Wilson assumed the presidency in 1913. This election took place a little over forty years after Reconstruction. While President Wilson was applauded for his foreign affairs, he had an oppressive domestic paradigm, which led to romanticizing slavery, southern states’ rights, and the organization of the Ku Klux Klan. He also initiated efforts to segregate and racially discriminate within government agencies. I bring up this election because the presidency of Woodrow Wilson worked intentionally to reverse Black American progress.

A second term of Donald Trump would mirror the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. It has already been outlined in Project 2025, which is what Donald Trump and his administration would attempt to do to work against the progress of our nation. We must realize that as a nation, regardless of race, economic status, or social rank, we must vote. Our vote is necessary to keep the progress of our nation moving forward. A Trump p r e s i d e n c y will jeopardize the progress of our nation. This election is not a matter of Democrat or Republican. Donald Trump does not possess any redeeming qualities of a Republican. He stands for chaos, division, and oppressive praxis toward anyone who does not fit his profile of someone who makes America great. Thus, our choice during this election is chaos or community. This makes our vote critical. A nonvote is a vote for chaos. A failure to vote gives Donald Trump the potential power of the presidency to reverse our progress and take us back to a time when America was only great for one demographic. Thus, I sound the alarm and release a clarion call for you to use the power of the ballot box to preserve our great union.