Home Lifestyle Three Things In Your Life You Can Always Control By Staff Writer

Three Things In Your Life You Can Always Control By Staff Writer


Have you ever wished you could have control over everything in your life?
Whether it is tackling tricky situations at work, trying to keep your relationships healthy, or dealing with the many unexpected twists and turns of life, there are times when you just want everything to go your way—and this desire for control can sometimes feel overwhelming. Though you can’t control everything around you, there are some important things in your life you can always control. Focusing on these areas can influence how you deal with the highs and lows of life. And, as a Christian, doing so can help you live a life that honors the Lord and fills your heart with peace.

Your attitude

One of the most meaningful things you can control in your life is your attitude. Your attitude is what influences how you perceive and interact with the world around you. It affects how you get through rough patches and get along with others. The Bible gives us a great example here. Philippians 2:3-5 calls us to be humble and selfless like Jesus. When you have a Christ-like attitude, you reflect His love and grace in everything you do.

Your choices

You are confronted by countless choices each day. Some of these are mundane, but others can greatly impact your future. Thankfully, all these choices are within your control. You control how you spend your time, who you associate with, and how you respond to temptations. The Bible talks a lot about making the right choices. In Joshua 24:15, Joshua declares that his family will serve the Lord no matter what. When you take the time to think about your decisions and ask God for guidance, it can help you live a life that honors and pleases God.

Your words

Our words have a lot of power. Proverbs 18:21 says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue,” which means what you say can have a huge impact, both n others and on yourself. Sure, you have absolutely no control over what other people say, but you definitely have control over what you say. And when you choose to be kind, encouraging, and honest with your words, you spread happiness and comfort to the people around you. Imagine how much better the world
could be if everyone did this!

Know what you can control and leave the rest to Him!

Life can be unpredictable, and many situations seem out of your control, but that does not mean you cannot do anything. Focusing on what you can control (your attitude, choices, and words), you can live a more fulfilling life based on your faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. There will still be challenges and moments where you feel helpless, but having control over these areas of your life helps you respond to them better and in a way that honors God.