By Lisa Y. Harris, MD CPE, FAAP, FACP

As of the writing of this article, the Corona Virus 19 has affected over 1 million people globally. In an effort to fight the disease, information, misinformation, rumors, and experimental treatments are being promoted. Data and recommendations change by the hour. We are living in uncertain times, and the only thing we can truly trust is our faith in God.

What is COVID-19?

There have been many coronaviruses in the past, including SARS and MERS. Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. Coronavirus 19 is a novel (new) Coronavirus that was identified in the province of Wuhan, China, in 2019. COVID-19 stands for corona (co) virus (VI) and 19 for the year it was identified. It is a respiratory illness that is thought to spread via droplet from person to person. Coughing, sneezing, even speaking can disperse droplets into the air. These droplets can travel up to 6 feet. Coughing or sneezing into your hand can transmit the virus to others and surfaces. Coronavirus is believed to live on surfaces like countertops and door handles up to 7 days. The virus may be spread by people who do not have symptoms.

Useful Information on who is affected?

Coronavirus can infect anyone. No one is immune. Symptoms are similar to the common cold, such as cough, fever, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. However, other symptoms such as anosmia (inability to smell), headache, and sore throat may also be symptoms of infection. Some people are more susceptible to the virus resulting in more severe symptoms and, in so many cases, death. The elderly, those with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease, and those with suppressed immune systems are more susceptible to severe illness. Current data indicates that African Americans and Latinos are affected at higher rates with more severe disease. The limited data shows that African Americans range from 14-30% of a given population but account for 40-70% of the death rates. It is believed that because African Americans and Latinos have higher rates of chronic conditions that we may be more susceptible to disease. Another factor may be the higher rate of public sector occupations leading to more direct exposure. And the underlying mistrust that many African Americans hold towards the medical system has lead to misinformation and hence failure to adhere to appropriate guidelines. Where you are also treated matters, rural and inner-city hospitals may not be equipped with equipment and staffing needed to care for the sickest patients. The data highlights health care disparities in our country.

Is there a treatment?

Coronavirus is diagnosed with a test performed by an approved laboratory. Home test kits are not currently supported. Your health care provider must order a valid test. Avoid online tests and drive up testing sites not associated with a health care facility. Currently, there are no proven FDA treatments for COVID-19. H yd rox y c h l o r o q u i n e , a n antimalarial drug, was recently given “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) by the FDA. That means it may be used in limited circumstances for the sickest patients. This drug has not been proven to treat or prevent Coronavirus. It has serious side effects and should not be taken without the advice ofa specialist familiar with the virus. Antibiotics do not treat viruses. The thought behind using an antibiotic is to treat secondary bacterial types of pneumonia that may occur in COVID patients. There are many other drugs currently under investigation for possible use. Treatment at this time is supportive. Home remedies do not treat COVID-19. Immune boosters, vitamins, and other therapies have not been proven to prevent the virus. However, it will not hurt to take vitamins such as vitamin C.

What do the numbers mean?

The numbers that we see reported for the US only represent a percentage of potential cases. Only patients with severe symptoms are being tested. Those with mild symptoms or those that are asymptomatic but may have been exposed are not being tested. That is why it is vital to engage in social distancing. We don’t know who may be carrying the virus.

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