Home Dear Debra Why Every Christian Should Share The Good News Of The Gospel

Why Every Christian Should Share The Good News Of The Gospel


Do you remember how you first got introduced to the Gospel? Was it a pastor at church, a family member who prayed for you, or a friend who told you about it? Whoever it was, they did not keep the Good News to themselves. Can you imagine if they had? Every Christian is asked to share the Gospel, but many are scared to do so. They might worry about what to say, how others will react, or if they are good enough to talk about Jesus. But those worries are not valid. The Gospel is the best gift you can give anyone. Sharing the Gospel is not pushing your beliefs on others or winning an argument. It is more like you giving someone the best gift ever. Think about all the things Jesus has done for you. He saved you, forgave your sins, gave you hope, peace, and a purpose. It would be very selfish to keep all that to yourself, would it not? Acts 4:12 says it very clearly — “You can’t find salvation anywhere else, and there’s no other name out there that can save us.” It is important for everyone to know this, and God has chosen you to share this message with others. Spreading the Gospel is how we follow Jesus’ mission. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations.”

That means sharing the Good News is not just something you do when you are in the mood. It is a real mission, and the thing about missions is that they require you to get out there and do something. You don’t have to be a scholar expert to share your faith. God does not expect you to be perfect. He only wants you to be willing to share. Your story, no matter how complicated or simple, carries a lot of weight because it s a story of how God has impacted your life. People need Jesus, and you are the one to tell them. The Bible says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” If Jesus is the only way, what happens if you don’t share that with your neighbors, coworkers, or friends? God could have easily put the Gospel up in the sky or sent angels to spread the word, but He did not do any of that. He chose ordinary and flawed people like us to share His message. This means that every time you talk to someone, do something kind, or really listen to them, you can help them learn about God. And if you are thinking that someone else will do it, remember that those people are in your life for a reason. You might be the only one who gets to share the Gospel with them. It is definitely a big responsibility, but it is also an incredible privilege.