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YWCA: Empowering Women


The YWCA of the Rochester and Monroe County’s annual Empowering Women Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, October 7, at the oseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Conven on Center. This year the Guest Speaker will be Lucille O’Neal, the mother of one of the greatest athletes of all me, but ucille O’Neal is much more than “Shaquille O’Neal’s mom.” She has endured poverty, rejec on, abuse, addic on, and the illness of a child, yet today her faith and compassion for others is stronger than ever.

During the luncheon O’Neal will share her life story candidly as our guest speaker; WCA par cipants will also share their stories of facing and overcoming adversity with support from the WCA. he WCA is an organiza on that strive to empower women on a daily basis. In an e ort to understand the services and needs of the YWCA, Upstate NY Gospel magazine spoke with David Mancuso, YWCA of Rochester & Monroe County Marke ng and Communica ons Manager

Change for Good.

The YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County has been a powerful resource for local women and girls since 1883. The funds raised through the Empowering Women Luncheon help the YWCA provide housing and support services to over 1,000 women and children each year.

Your assistance will help provide shelter and support to more than 300 homeless women and children in our emergency housing—a total of 5,900 nights of shelter each year.

Your support today will help young mothers succeed. 73% of the seniors in our School-Age Parents program graduated from high school or obtained their GED. A startling contrast to na onal data which indicate that 70 of teen mothers drop out of school.

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